John Blake as Robin custom concept figure (Spoiler Alert! We warned you!)

John Blake

“Robin” John Blake portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt


Robin John Blake, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the characters full name in the movie. He also discovers the Batcave at the end of The Dark Knight Rises.


Many people were satisfied to find at the conclusion of the film that his first name was Robin ironically, and not just John Blake and that he was purposely led to find the Batcave.

John Blake DKRMM

GCPD Blake Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters from Mattel

The character all ready put the pieces together about Batman’s secret identity and also touches Bruce’s heart with the telling of the story of his own experiences and how Bruce himself influenced him personally during Robin’s youth as an orphan.

John Blake DKRMM

“Robin” John Blake

This character, Robin Blake, we shall call him, was pivotal and had vital role throughout the film.

To my understanding it is in the agreement with Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan that there is to be no more films from this franchise made. That doesn’t rule out a new franchise like Batman Beyond or Nightwing or even just a Robin film itself.

Robin John Blake

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robin

This figure which is a custom concept of Robin made partly from the Mattel’s Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters series parts and is strongly inspired from, is quite simply, superb looking. The figure is truly a bad-ass perspective of Robin. Call-it Customs did a great job as they do with many of their figures.

Call-It Customs Robin John Blake Movie Masters

Robin The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters

John Blake as Robin Movie Masters custom

John Blake as Robin The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters

Bane breaking Batman's back

The breaking of the Batman!

All kinds of items are offered from the artist ranging from super hero to video game characters.

The fact that they take the time and effort to reseal the box and make it with it’s own custom insert with Robin on it is great.

They did a excellent job with the quality of that too.

Bane holding Batman cowl

You just couldn’t ask for more when it comes to stuff like what they have and effort and care they put in.

Take for instance the other Dark Knight customs they have done. True pieces of art and collectors items!









The fact that they offer the broken Batman cowl (mask) just like the one featured prominently in the film on a Movie Masters scale is just plain awesome.


They really did a good job with the Robin figure. While I love that it is resealed, does make it shame to have to open to check it out, makes me want two, but that is not possible with this one-of-a-kind collectable!





Check out this cool fan made trailer for a Nightwing movie. While Chris ‘O Donnell is featured within it, we obviously know he wouldn’t be given that role now. But Joseph Gordon-Levitt, now that could work.

Here’s another fan made trailer for a Nightwing movie, this one features the actor, Milo Anthony Ventimiglia, that most notably played Peter Petrellli on NBC’s Heroes. I series that I enjoyed, up until the fourth season, after that it just didn’t make sense anymore and wasn’t as action packed. All right I’m all ready off topic and I all ready finished my point a long time ago!


Enjoy the videos!

That is all!